French Immersion

Set up your child for success with our French Immersion Program

Comprehensive Development through Bilingual Education

At La Maison Montessori House, we believe in the profound benefits of bilingual education. Enrolling your child in our French program is akin to training them as a triathlete instead of a marathon runner. While a marathon runner develops specific muscles, a triathlete enhances their entire body’s capabilities. Similarly, learning French alongside English from a young age engages and develops multiple areas of the brain, promoting cognitive flexibility and complex thinking skills.

french learning
child cognitive development french bilingual

The Cognitive Advantages of Learning French

Our French immersion program doesn't just teach another language; it enhances overall brain function and academic performance. Studies have shown that bilingual students often outperform their monolingual peers in various cognitive tasks.

  • Students often outperform in tasks requiring problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Exposure to multiple languages fosters greater creative thinking
  • Multilingual students show better memory and enhanced concentration skills

Success in a Bilingual Country

In Canada, proficiency in both official languages opens numerous doors in the job market and in society. By mastering French, students gain a competitive edge in their future careers and enjoy enhanced opportunities for cultural and social interactions. Our program ensures that students are not only proficient in French but are also culturally competent, able to navigate and flourish in Canada's diverse linguistic landscape.

french immersion

Submit an Application

Enroll your child today for a guaranteed spot at the only French Immersion Private School in York Region